La Naissance de l'Empreinte Ardéchoise

It is 3am in the morning and as usual when I am full of projects in my head, ideas wake me up in the middle of the night. Sentences turn and return into my head, words tumble out, jostle… Net, after 1 or 2 hours trying to put affairs in order, I need to get up and write down my ideas on paper. I need to clear out my mind !!

It is what it is happening to me this morning, I discussed with my daughter Fanny yesterday and she told me it is not because your project and your website are not done yet that you cannot start writing and publishing your articles. This idea grew in my mind, and I decided to through myself into it…

It is an adventure for me because I am not registered in any website and I do not confide easily.

This story which is beginning, I really want to share it…

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